There are 3 forms of payment, customers can choose the most convenient and suitable form for themselves:

Method 1: Pay cash directly at our address: Customers buy goods at our business location, where they can pay directly.

Method 2: Payment on delivery (COD): With this form, customers view the goods at home and pay cash to the delivery staff.

Method 3: Transfer money in advance: You transfer money first, then we proceed to deliver the goods according to the agreement or contract with you.

Account information:

Account holder name: Finance Development Group Joint Stock Company $ Truong Sinh Technology

Account number: 93999999999

Bank: Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank-MB-Bank - Soc Son Transaction Office

  • Note

Transfer content: Specify phone number or order code
After transferring, we will contact to confirm and proceed with delivery.

If after the agreed time we do not deliver or do not respond, you can send a complaint directly to the headquarters address.

For customers wishing to purchase large quantities for business or wholesale, please contact us directly for a reasonable price policy. And the payment will be made according to the contract.

We are committed to transparent, legal business, selling quality and original products

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