Announcements - Events

Awarding Antivirus Solution products on the 76th anniversary of War Invalids and Martyrs Day (July 27, 1974 - July 27, 2023) Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front
Awarding Antivirus Solution products on the 76th anniversary of War Invalids and Martyrs Day (July 27, 1974 - July 27, 2023) Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front
The Day of War Invalids and Martyrs, July 27 every year, is an important commemorative day with profound humanistic significance. This is an occasion for the entire Party, people and army to respectfully remember and pay tribute to the revolutionaries. predecessors, heroic martyrs, outstanding sons of the nation who bravely fought and sacrificed heroically; grateful to the wounded soldiers who have devoted part of their blood in the cause of fighting for national liberation, unifying the country, as well as in the work of building and protecting the Fatherland.
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