The risk of "disease X" appearing due to the effects of climate change

Posted on 05 Month 10 2023



Researchers in Malaysia warn that the emergence of "disease X" could explode into a pandemic in the future due to the effects of climate change.

In the new list that the World Health Organization (WHO) updated in November 2022, "disease X" is the phrase scientists use to refer to an unknown pathogen that can appear at any time. and causing serious epidemics around the world.

According to Vietnam News Agency correspondent in Kuala Lumpur, Professor, Dr. Lam Sai Kit said that it is likely that "disease X" occurred due to deforestation and wildlife trade. Among wild animals, bats are carriers of many viruses. Migratory birds and pangolins often carry avian influenza viruses.

According to Mr. Lam, if we agree with the view that "disease Animals raised on the farm have been domesticated.

Mr. Lam emphasized that lessons learned from the Covid-19 pandemic are very important when implementing measures to prevent the spread early when there is much evidence that the virus is transmitted from animals to humans.

According to Associate Professor Dr. Vinod Balasubramaniam of the Malaysian branch of Monash University (Australia), climate change increases the risk of pandemics in the future. According to researcher Vinod Balasubramaniam, it is important to address climate change to prevent future pandemics.

According to Mr. Vinod Balasubramaniam, deforestation, urbanization and industrial expansion require the expansion of the livestock sector. However, this causes farmed animals to live closer to humans, increasing the risk of diseases spreading from animals to humans.

Both experts predicted that “disease X” would be another respiratory infection, but the patient had no symptoms.

Professor, Dr. Lam predicts that "disease

Meanwhile, researcher Vinod Balasubramaniam predicts that the next outbreak will be a respiratory infection with a high rate of person-to-person spread. Infected people will spread germs when they cough, sneeze or speak loudly.

However, according to him, the possibility of "disease

According to Mr. Vinod Balasubramaniam, influenza viruses, especially H5N1, are one of the viruses with high potential to cause "disease X." Besides, he believes that a new strain of Corona virus may appear in the future and this virus also has the ability to mutate.

Currently, WHO has created a list of viruses that have the potential to become the causative agent of "disease


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