Posted on 26 Month 05 2022


Dear: Dear Partners/Customers!

May 19, 2022 is the 132nd anniversary of the birth of the great President Ho Chi Minh (May 19, 1890-19 May 2022). Each of us Vietnamese people certainly share the same sentiment: Uncle Ho is still living in the same mountains and rivers, the country, still feels "like Uncle Ho on a SUCCESSFUL DAY" in all historical periods, in any victory of the country and people of Vietnam.

Remembering Uncle Ho's teaching: "Working for the country now is sacrifice, striving, forgetting personal interests and thinking about the common good. For the sake of the country, forgetting the interests of the house." Practically celebrating Uncle Ho's birthday, along with the general development trend of the field of medical equipment, and the urgent need to take good care of the health of the community according to Uncle Ho's wishes - MADE IN products VIETNAM - ANTIVIRUS SOLUTION, ANTIVIRUS SOLUTION of the Truong Sinh Financial & Technology Development Group Joint Stock Company has promptly donated to thousands of Vietnamese people, timely support to treat Corona in 02 last year.

More specifically, May 19, 2022 is also the birthday of Truong Sinh Financial & Technology Development Group Joint Stock Company to commemorate, express affection and deep gratitude to Uncle Ho. love, continue to join hands with the country's health care to move forward on the path of building a rich, strong, democratic, fair and civilized Vietnam, standing side by side with the great powers of the five continents as Uncle Ho always desired.

Truong Sinh would like to express our deep gratitude to our Partners/Customers who have always loved, supported, trusted and cooperated with our products and services. Your trust, along with the solidarity and striving of all employees of the Company, have greatly contributed to the development of Truong Sinh in the past and in the future.

In return and thanks for this kindness, we would like to thank and announce the product ANTIVIRUS SOLUTION, which has been listed transparently and publicly about drug prices, on the price public portal page. medical equipment https://dmec.moh.gov.vn/hosodoanhnghiep

Wishing our dear partners/customers a lot of health, success and prosperity.

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