Dak Lak: Strengthening the prevention and control of hand, foot and mouth disease

Posted on 20 Month 06 2023

Currently, hand, foot and mouth disease in Dak Lak province is having a complicated development, the number of patients is increasing rapidly. The People's Committee of Dak Lak province has issued a document directing the People's Committees of districts, towns and cities to actively coordinate with the health sector to synchronously and drastically implement solutions to prevent and control hand, foot and mouth disease, especially focusing on into areas with a high number of cases and at risk of outbreaks.


The document clearly states: The Department of Health - the province's standing agency for epidemic prevention and control shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with other departments, branches, units, People's Committees of districts, towns and cities to closely monitor and supervise. closely monitor the epidemic situation, early detect and promptly handle newly arising outbreaks; take samples for testing to identify pathogens; strengthen mobile anti-epidemic teams to promptly investigate, verify, handle outbreaks and support downlines when necessary. Fully implement the regime of information, reporting and declaration of infectious diseases and epidemics according to the Circular No. 54/2015/TT-BYT dated December 28, 2015 of the Minister of Health.
Along with that, organize well the classification of treatment, classification of medical examination, collection, emergency and treatment of patients, especially paying attention to severe cases in order to minimize the number of deaths. Good prevention of cross-contamination in medical facilities. Strengthen the work of information, communication, health education, actively implement patriotic hygiene activities to improve the people's health, implement 3 clean "eat clean, drink clean, stay clean"; ensure clean hands, clean toys, organize handwashing campaigns with soap and clean water or hand sanitizer. Ensure adequate drugs, supplies, chemicals and equipment for emergency work, patient treatment and disease prevention in various situations. Strengthen training on surveillance and treatment of hand, foot and mouth disease at all levels, especially grassroots medical staff...

The Provincial People's Committee also requested the Department of Education and Training to proactively coordinate with the Health sector to organize communication at schools, especially at kindergartens, kindergartens, and preschools about hand, foot and mouth disease and promote health promotion. drastic measures to prevent and control the epidemic. Ensure education and training institutions have enough facilities to regularly, properly and conveniently wash hands with soap or disinfectant solution. Perform classroom hygiene and environmental sanitation; provide adequate drinking water, clean water; Ensure food safety in collective kitchens. Regularly clean tables, chairs, and surfaces and toys daily with soap or common detergents. Early detection of disease cases at educational and training institutions, immediately notify local health authorities to organize examination and treatment and handle outbreaks in a timely manner.

The Department of Finance cooperates with the Department of Health to advise the People's Committee of Dak Lak province to timely decide on granting and supplementing funds for the prevention and control of hand, foot and mouth disease in order to take measures to prevent and control the epidemic and ensure response to the epidemic. meet the demand for drugs, chemicals, supplies and equipment for epidemic prevention and control in the locality.

* SOURCE: https://baodantoc.vn/dak-lak-tang-cuong-cong-tac-phong-chong-dich-benh-tay-chan-mieng-1687148162038.htm

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