A simple way to treat post-Covid-19

Posted on 24 Month 05 2023

Drinking enough water, steaming the nose and throat, drinking ginger and honey tea, ... helps to improve symptoms of persistent cough after Covid-19.

A persistent cough can last for weeks or months after a Covid-19 infection. Master, Doctor Dang Thanh Do, Department of Respiratory, Tam Anh General Hospital in Hanoi, said that after entering the body, the virus affects the vagus nerve or damages the larynx and mucous membranes. throat, causing cough. Covid-19 patients with complications of bronchitis, pneumonia, and pulmonary fibrosis may still have a persistent cough after recovering from the disease. During the recovery phase, the body creates a cough reflex to remove secretions and phlegm from the airways. People with chronic lung disease or gastroesophageal reflux disease who have to take multiple medications are also at risk of persistent cough after contracting Covid-19.

People with discharge from the nose down the back of the throat, causing irritation to the throat may have a persistent cough. In addition, persistent cough symptoms can originate from causes such as viral infections, other respiratory bacteria (influenza virus, pneumococcal, adenovirus, ...), seasonal allergies, smoke or chemicals. matter.

If coughing with a high frequency and prolonged duration causes fatigue, insomnia, affecting quality of life, the patient needs to see a doctor to determine the exact cause. In case the cough is not caused by a disease, the patient needs to build a reasonable diet and exercise, the cough will improve gradually. Doctor Chengdu suggests simple methods to reduce post-Covid-19 cough.

Drink enough water

Drinking enough water, especially warm water, helps to warm the throat, increase blood circulation, reduce irritation, relieve dry throat, dilute phlegm, thereby reducing cough. Adults should drink about 2 liters of water per day. Some drinks help relieve cough such as herbal tea (ginger tea, lemongrass honey, chamomile tea), warm fruit juice, ...

Drinking enough water helps reduce dry throat, dilute phlegm, thereby reducing cough effectively. Photo: Freepik

Gargle with salt water

Gargling with salt water helps kill bacteria, loosen mucus, relieve sore throat, thereby reducing cough time. You can use half a teaspoon of salt mixed with 240ml of warm water to gargle or use 0.9% physiological saline available at drugstores.

Practice active breathing

Practice deep breathing exercises such as pursed lips breathing, diaphragmatic breathing about 2-3 times a day, for 15 minutes each time, to help enhance gas exchange and improve lung function.

pursed-lip breathing: Lie down or sit comfortably, relax your neck and shoulders, relax your whole body; inhale slowly through the nose; Exhale slowly with lips pursed as if you are whistling, exhaling twice as long as inhaling.

Diaphragm breathing: Lie on your back or sit up straight, relax your neck and shoulders, relax your whole body; put one hand on the stomach and the other hand on the chest; inhale slowly, evenly and deeply through the nose, feeling the abdomen rise; the chest does not move; As you slowly exhale through your mouth, pull your belly in.

Elevate your head while sleeping

In a lying position, gravity causes mucus to stay in the throat instead of draining out. Therefore, coughing often occurs at night to expel mucus. You should elevate your head while sleeping to overcome this problem. In addition, sleeping in this way also helps reduce gastric reflux - one of the causes of coughing at night.

Stay away from cigarette smoke

Doctor Chengdu said that people with Covid-19 who are exposed to a lot of smoke can increase their cough because smoke reduces the elasticity of the alveoli, narrows the lung capacity, and the bronchial mucosal structure. Changes cause the bronchial wall to thicken, the bronchial lumen to narrow, obstructing the air circulation. Nicotine paralyzes cilia, mucus and toxins accumulate in the lungs causing lung congestion. Oxygen is not provided enough for the body, making it difficult for the patient to breathe, persistent cough, increasing the risk of respiratory disease. Quitting smoking and staying away from secondhand smoke helps to improve the prolonged cough after Covid-19 infection.

Vitamin D Supplement

Sunlight is the main source of vitamin D for the body. However, to get enough vitamin D, the skin must be exposed to the sun at a time when UV levels are high. So to be safe, you should consult your doctor to use vitamin D supplements with appropriate doses. In addition to vitamin D, it is necessary to add vitamin C and zinc to increase resistance. Eat enough nutrients, increase the intake of green vegetables, fruits and use more yogurt to help improve the immune system. You should not eat or drink cold food because it can irritate the throat, causing a persistent cough.

Nasal steaming

Warm steam moistens dry and irritated airways, thins mucus, and reduces cough frequency. You can use an essential oil diffuser or steam your nose and throat with essential oils of cajeput, cinnamon, lemongrass, lemongrass, and mint mixed with hot water to steam your nose and throat about 2-3 times a day. Note that the face should not be close to the water to avoid burns, you can use a towel to cover the head to increase the effect. In addition, you should take a warm bath instead of cold water to relieve cough.

* SOURCE: https://vnexpress.net/cach-don-gian-tri-ho-hau-covid-19-4608492.html

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