El Nino phenomenon may increase mosquito-borne diseases

Posted on 17 Month 07 2023
  • In the face of El Nino phenomenon that can increase the transmission of dengue fever and other viruses such as Zika and Japanese encephalitis, the Ministry of Health has sent a written request to localities to strengthen prevention and control of epidemics. Infectious.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in the year 2023-2024, the El Nino phenomenon may increase the transmission of dengue fever and other arboviruses, such as: Zika, Chikungunya, encephalitis Japan. Climate change is also promoting mosquito breeding and increasing mosquito-borne diseases. Vietnam is a tropical country with a hot and humid climate and is located in an area with high prevalence of mosquito-borne diseases. According to the forecast of the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, the El Nino phenomenon is likely to occur in the second half of 2023. Currently, the weather is starting in the rainy season, creating favorable conditions for mosquitoes. disease transmission thrives.

Dengue fever patients are treated at Bach Mai Hospital. (Photo: BVCC)

In order to actively prevent and control the epidemic, to prevent the epidemic from spreading and spreading, the Ministry of Health has issued Official Letter No. 4295/BYT-DP requesting the People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities to direct the implementation of a number of contents. disease prevention and control in the area.

Accordingly, the Ministry of Health proposed that the People's Committees of provinces and cities assign People's Committees at all levels to directly direct the stronger implementation of larva/larvae killing activities in the area right in July 2023; maintain operations once a week in high-risk areas; Every 2 weeks in areas with high mosquito, larva/larva index and once a month in the remaining areas.

At the same time, the Ministry of Health assigns specific responsibilities to authorities at all levels to direct and mobilize political and social departments, agencies and organizations to coordinate with the health sector to deploy a campaign to kill larvae and larvae to ensure Ensure that all households in the epidemic and at-risk areas must be checked and monitored for tanks, water containers, utensils, waste, and breeding places for mosquitoes to have a form of killing larva.

The Ministry of Health also suggested that the People's Committees of provinces and cities assign the health sector to closely monitor and supervise, and thoroughly handle the local infectious disease outbreak; ensure 100% of outbreaks are detected and handled promptly according to instructions. Localities review and organize vaccination against Japanese encephalitis for children of the vaccination age in the form of regular vaccination with a high rate, complete, on schedule, safe and effective.

Along with that, medical examination and treatment facilities well organize the collection and treatment of patients, minimizing the number of deaths, especially at private medical examination and treatment establishments; avoid patients not being consulted, emergency, treated and referred in time; plan to divide treatment, support downline, avoid hospital overload; ensure sufficient drugs, equipment and medical supplies to serve medical examination and treatment.

In addition, the People's Committees of provinces and cities direct the Department of Information and Communications, mass media agencies to coordinate with the health sector to strengthen propaganda on epidemic prevention and control, and diversify communication activities. for people to understand and take the initiative in taking measures to prevent and control the epidemic (measures to kill mosquitoes, bed nets, combat mosquito bites); communication about signs of dengue fever and mosquito-borne diseases; instructing people when sick not to self-treat at home, to immediately go to medical facilities for timely examination and treatment./.

* SOURCE: https://dangcongsan.vn/y-te/hien-tuong-el-nino-co-the-lam-gia-tang-dich-benh-do-muoi-truyen-641900.html

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