5 drinks to help increase the body's resistance

Posted on 27 Month 12 2023

Green tea is rich in antioxidants that have anti-inflammatory effects; Ginger lemon tea, orange juice, tomato juice provide vitamin C, contributing to strengthening the immune system.

The immune system is the body's natural defense network consisting of cells, tissues and organs. This is a complex network that continuously works to protect the body against pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and parasites.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and getting enough sleep is essential to strengthening the immune system. A healthy diet and beneficial drinks also help improve the body's resistance.


60-70% of body weight is water, essential for all cellular functions. Drinking enough water can keep the immune system healthy. Water aids the immune system in absorbing nutrients; Maintains mucous membranes in the nose, mouth and throat, which are the first lines of defense against pathogens and infection. It is also an essential component of lymphatic fluid, providing infection-fighting white blood cells.

Dehydration can promote the growth of bacteria and viruses. The average recommended water intake for healthy adults is about 6-8 cups per day.

Pure orange or grapefruit juice

Vitamin C and folate in orange and grapefruit juice contribute to promoting the immune barrier and protecting immune cell types such as natural killer cells and T cells. Biologically active compounds in oranges, Grapefruit also has anti-inflammatory effects, helping to increase resistance.

Pure orange juice also provides vitamin A, canned varieties are also fortified with vitamin D, essential for healthy immunity.

Pure orange juice is rich in vitamin C and folate, which contribute to promoting the barrier and protecting immune cells. Photo: Freepik

Green tea

Green tea is another healthy beverage to boost the body's natural defenses. Flavonoid polyphenol compounds found in green tea provide many health benefits, from reducing the risk of heart disease and some cancers to controlling systemic inflammation.

Green tea also contains substances that help protect cells against oxidation. This drink also contains no calories so it is beneficial for people losing weight.

Ginger lemon tea

Lemons are rich in vitamin C, which contributes to protecting cells against oxidative damage. Vitamin C also has anti-inflammatory properties and reduces the frequency of adverse immune system reactions. Ginger contains many biologically active compounds that fight nausea, improve blood lipids, and reduce inflammation. Lemon combined with ginger creates a delicious drink that is good for the immune system.

To make tea, add crushed fresh ginger or a few slices of ginger and lemon juice to hot water and drink every day.

Tomato juice

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and lycopene - an antioxidant carotenoid that has health-promoting properties and reduces systemic inflammation.

Soup and tomato juice both provide abundant vitamin C, quickly reducing cold and flu symptoms. With bottled juices, preference should be given to those with lower sodium content.

* SOURCE: https://vnexpress.net/5-thuc-uong-giup-co-the-tang-de-khang-4693709.html

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