The first case of monkeypox appeared in Dong Nai

Posted on 26 Month 09 2023

On September 25, Dong Nai Provincial Center for Disease Control said that the locality had just recorded a positive case of monkeypox virus. This is the first case recorded in Dong Nai, the source of infection is currently unknown.

Image of monkeypox virus under an electron microscope. Illustration photo: AFP/TTXVN

The patient was identified as Mr. LVT (born in 1998, residing in Xuan Truong commune, Xuan Loc district, Dong Nai province).

According to the epidemiological investigation report, the male patient works in Ho Chi Minh City, whose daily job requires him to go to many places and come into contact with many people. On September 2, the patient returned home to Xuan Truong commune, had close contact with family members including father, mother, grandmother and sister, then returned to Ho Chi Minh City to work.

On September 16, the patient had close contact with his girlfriend born in 2001, residing in Tan Uyen city, Binh Duong province.

On September 17, the patient began to get sick and had symptoms of fever, chills, sweating, itching, pustules on the genitals and went for examination and treatment at a private clinic but The disease does not decrease. On September 22, the patient went to the Ho Chi Minh City Dermatology Hospital for examination and noted no fever, no itching, and additional symptoms such as swollen inguinal lymph nodes, purulent rash on the face and oral mucosa. palms, feet, genitals. Suspecting that the patient was infected with monkeypox, Ho Chi Minh City Dermatology Hospital took a sample and sent it to the Pasteur Institute in Ho Chi Minh City and tested positive for monkeypox virus.

Dong Nai Provincial Center for Disease Control said that this is the first case of monkeypox with a permanent residence in the province. The source of infection of the case has not yet been determined.

After recording, the Dong Nai Provincial Center for Disease Control instructs cases of contact with patients to monitor their health and, if there are unusual symptoms, immediately report to the health care provider or local authorities. The Dong Nai Provincial Center for Disease Control in coordination with the Ho Chi Minh City Center for Disease Control continues to investigate the case's contact history with colleagues and relatives around the period from April 17. /9 to date.

Monkeypox is an infectious disease caused by a virus. The disease often has symptoms such as fever, headache, muscle pain, back pain, swollen lymph nodes, chills, fatigue, rash that can look like blisters appearing on the face, inside the mouth or on the body. other parts of the body such as hands, feet, breasts, genitals or anus... The disease can be spread from handling wild meat, animal bites or scratches, body fluids, objects, etc. contamination or close contact with an infected person.


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