Posted on 07 Month 11 2022
Photo: Handing over the decision to appoint branch director

FROM 3/9/2022 DONG DA - HANOI BRANCH HAS OFFICIALLY OPENED AND SERVE THE PEOPLE TO HELP EVERYONE overcome the disease and take care of their health. .

Branch Manager Dong Da - Hanoi
- Mr. Dang Tran Hung
- Address: 57 lane 21B Cat Linh, Cat Linh Ward, Dong Da District, Hanoi City, Vietnam
- Mobile: 0904.160.288

- Mail:

KIND OF THE GROUP IS "LEARNING AND WORKING BY THE IDEAS, Ethics, Style of President Ho Chi Minh", so the Group has chosen a branch with Heart - Germany - Enthusiasm to help spread Antiviurus solution products closest to the people, helping people understand the value of the product, how to use it and how to support the treatment of the increasingly raging epidemic. It is very fortunate that the wife of the Branch Director is an artist who suffered from covid and lost her voice and thanks to the grace of Truong Sinh she was able to regenerate the powerful voice that was endowed with her. Loving the product and wishing to help many people have better health like me, she accompanied the Group to open a branch in Dong Da - Hanoi. Help to get close to people in Dong Da District as well as all over the country know .
One tree should not be young, three trees together make a high mountain. Each of us agrees to bring the drop of Antivirus solution that flows like the water of Eternal Life everywhere to help the epidemic go away, the economy is strong so that life becomes happier and happier.

Wishing Dong Da Hanoi Branch to develop brilliantly and be loved and accompanied by many people.

Some pictures at the branch opening ceremony

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