Dak Lak: A 2-year-old boy died of a flesh-eating bacteria disease

Posted on 05 Month 06 2023
  • On June 2, information from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Dak Lak province said that the locality had just recorded a case of a child dying from Whitmore's disease.

The deceased is VTYN's grandson (2 years old, Ea Sup district, Dak Lak province).

According to information from the family, on May 21, baby N showed symptoms of fever with diarrhea, at home without treatment.

On May 28, N was taken by relatives to be examined and treated at the Central Highlands General Hospital.

Here, the doctors diagnosed, N had respiratory failure grade 2, severe pneumonia, monitored for sepsis, acute diarrhea without dehydration; Meningoencephalitis has not been excluded, and brain tumors are monitored.

On May 29, baby N turned serious with a diagnosis of septic shock, sepsis, multi-organ damage; Severe pneumonia, right empyema, mild coagulopathy.

At 17:20 on May 30, baby N died and tested positive for Burkholderia pseudomallei bacteria.

Whitmore's disease is an infection in humans and animals caused by a bacterium with the scientific name Burkholderia pseudomallei, which can cause ulcers and necrosis, so people misunderstand and call this disease "flesh-eating bacteria" ".

Bacteria are transmitted mainly by mucosal contact. Bacteria live in contaminated soil and water and enter mainly through the skin, rarely being transmitted from person to person.

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