Increased risk of infectious diseases

Posted on 09 Month 05 2024
  • Rabies, measles, whooping cough, hand foot and mouth disease... are diseases whose numbers are increasing compared to 2023. The Ministry of Health has advised localities and people to prevent and control epidemics when summer comes.

Cases of rabid dog bites continue to increase

On May 4, the Agricultural Service Center of Loc Ninh district, Binh Phuoc province reported that many people bitten by rabid dogs had to be injected with anti-rabies serum at medical facilities.

Medical staff at the Dong Nai Center for Disease Control vaccinate a resident who was bitten by a suspected rabid dog

Previously, on May 1 - 2, this dog was discovered running free on the road, showing signs of suspected rabies. It then attacked and injured several passersby.

The Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine of Binh Phuoc province coordinated with the District Agricultural Service Center and Loc Hung Commune People's Committee to handle the case, captured the dog and had samples sent for rabies testing and the results were positive for the rabies virus.

Local authorities have asked people to go to medical centers for timely treatment. Then, deploy disinfection forces to take measures to prevent the spread of disease in the outside environment. At the same time, coordinate with the Commune People's Committee to organize additional vaccination for all dogs and cats in areas with rabid dogs to protect the infection from spreading to other animals.

In Dong Nai, on May 3, Trang Bom district just recorded a rabies nest in dogs in Cay Gao commune. The head of the household, Mr. LTS (living in group 4B, Cay Diep hamlet, Cay Gao commune) raises 4 dogs, of which 3 have been vaccinated against rabies, 1 newborn has not been vaccinated.

At noon on April 26, the unvaccinated dog showed signs of aggression, 2 red eyes and bit the hands of Mr. LTS and 2 neighbors. These 3 cases were vaccinated with rabies vaccine and anti-rabies serum. After that, the dog was beaten to death. Mr. LTS let Mr. TPT take it to Mr. D.D.Â's slaughterhouse (temporarily residing in Tan Lap 2 hamlet, Cay Gao commune) to be slaughtered. Mr. D.D. is the owner of a slaughterhouse that has direct contact with rabid dog secretions and has not yet been vaccinated against rabies and anti-rabies serum.

Around Mr. LTS's house, many households raise dogs, most of whom have been vaccinated against rabies. The health sector recommends that the 3 cases who have been vaccinated against rabies continue to comply with the treatment regimen; We recommend that Mr. D.D. and those who have eaten dog meat go to a medical facility for guidance, advice and rabies vaccination.

According to the Department of Preventive Medicine (Ministry of Health), the rabies situation has increased dramatically since the beginning of 2024; Especially in the first 3 months of the year, there were 24 deaths due to rabies, an increase of 2.2 times compared to the same period in 2023. The Central Highlands region is still a hot spot for rabies such as Dak Lak and Gia Lai; Binh Thuan, Binh Phuoc, Ben Tre, Ca Mau provinces also recorded deaths due to rabid dog bites. Dong Nai and An Giang provinces also had outbreaks of rabid dog bites and many people were injured. Hanoi also recorded 3 outbreaks in Soc Son district with 13 people bitten by rabid dogs.

Although summer is coming, the rabies epidemic is still a risk and threatens the lives of many people, but reality shows that the situation of dogs running loose and dogs not wearing muzzles is still common on the streets and residential areas. residents, even bringing dogs into public areas.

Actively prevent and fight infectious diseases

In addition to the rabies epidemic, according to the Department of Preventive Medicine (Ministry of Health), to date the country has recorded 203 cases of typhus suspected of measles (no deaths), the number of cases increased 2.7 times compared to the previous year. with the same period in 2023.

Hanoi also recorded its first measles case in 2024 while the same period in 2023 did not record any cases. In Ha Tinh, as of early April 2024, 26 cases of measles were recorded in Duc Tho district, many of which required treatment at higher level hospitals....

Dr. Hoang Minh Duc, Director of the Department of Preventive Medicine, Ministry of Health, said that the rate of measles vaccination in the expanded vaccination program decreased during the Covid-19 epidemic. Meanwhile, measles is a highly transmissible disease, the transmission of the disease in the community can only be stopped when a very high rate of specific protective immunity (>95%) is achieved in the community. The World Health Organization warns of a measles outbreak globally. In Vietnam, in the near future, a number of new cases and outbreaks may continue to be recorded, especially in places with low vaccination rates in recent times...

In addition, information from the national infectious disease surveillance system shows that from the beginning of 2024 until now, the whole country has recorded nearly 120 scattered cases of pertussis, mainly in a number of provinces and cities in the region. north. Of these, Hanoi City had 60 cases of whooping cough in 21 districts, while in the same period last year no cases were recorded, of which more than 50 cases were not vaccinated...

Regarding dengue fever, according to data reported from localities, the current dengue fever situation has decreased compared to the same period in 2024 and no deaths have been recorded. However, as the epidemic season begins, it is forecast that the number of cases will tend to increase from May to November every year, so proactively implementing prevention measures before the epidemic season is very important.

The Ministry of Health has sent an official dispatch to local People's Committees requesting that People's Committees at all levels be fully responsible for epidemic prevention and control in the area; Mobilize departments, branches, and socio-political organizations to coordinate with the health sector to effectively deploy disease prevention and control activities and expanded vaccination work. Allocate adequate funding for the implementation of infectious disease prevention and control activities and expanded vaccination work. Departments of Health closely monitor the epidemic situation in the area, proactively detect early suspected cases right at the border gate, in the community and at medical facilities; Working closely with the Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Pasteur proactively analyzed the situation and assessed risks to propose and implement appropriate and timely epidemic prevention and control measures.

In order to proactively prevent and control infectious diseases, people need to regularly wash their hands with soap and clean water as an effective measure to help prevent infectious diseases. Clean and sanitize your home and workplace from inside the house to the garden, do not let water stagnate, causing mosquito larvae, mosquitoes... Along with being fully vaccinated...


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