Dak Lak: Facing complicated infectious disease epidemics in the Winter - Spring season

Posted on 05 Month 01 2024

Recently, although the authorities of Dak Lak province have increased the implementation of disease prevention and control measures, infectious diseases still have the potential risk of outbreak and spread. In particular, at the time of changing seasons and the approaching Lunar New Year of 2024, people's increased need to travel, exchange and contact is a favorable condition for the disease to develop.

Increase in severe illness cases

Patient treated for dengue fever at the Department of Pediatrics, Buon Ma Thuot City General Hospital, Dak Lak province. Photo (document): Tuan Anh/TTXVN

In 2023, in Dak Lak province, many infectious diseases will appear, spread and break out such as dengue fever, hand, foot and mouth disease, rabies, Japanese encephalitis...

According to a report from the Dak Lak Provincial Center for Disease Control, in 2023, dengue fever cases will be recorded in 15/15 districts, towns and cities. The number of cases decreased by about 50% compared to the previous year, but the number of outbreaks increased nearly 2 times. The number of cases and deaths is higher than expected according to the peak epidemic cycle. As of early December 2023, the whole province recorded nearly 5,000 cases of dengue fever, mainly in Ea Kar, Ea H'leo, Krong Pak, Buon Ma Thuot city... with 558 outbreaks and 6 deaths. deaths, including 3 deaths in Krong Pak district. Notably, a number of epidemic diseases have increased, causing epidemics in many localities. Specifically, pink eye with 38,695 cases, chickenpox with 352 cases, 7 cases of Japanese encephalitis...

At the Department of Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care, Central Highlands General Hospital, from the beginning of 2023 until now the hospital has received over 140 pediatric patients with severe dengue fever. According to doctor Pham Quang Vinh, Department of Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care, this year's dengue fever situation is more severe than last year, with many deaths. In the past month or so, the number of new cases has decreased, however, the Department still receives many severe cases.

Statistics from the Department of Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care show that from the beginning of the year until now, the Department has received and treated more than 70 children with meningoencephalitis and Japanese encephalitis (3 times the number of cases compared to the previous year). same period in 2022). Most cases are hospitalized in a state of coma, lethargy, mental disorders, seizures, and even require mechanical ventilation.

Doctor H'El Niê, Deputy Head of the Department of Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care, said that this year the hospital received many cases of infectious meningitis. Diseases caused by viruses or bacteria leave sequelae. Depending on the severity, when the patient is brought to the hospital early, there will be better improvement. The consequences of encephalitis are huge, in particular, cases of Japanese encephalitis leave serious sequelae for the patient, his family and society. The treatment time for the case was long, many patients were paralyzed and in a vegetative state...

Case of child patient ABM (male, born in 2015, in Ea Yieng commune, Krong Pak district, Dak Lak province) with Japanese encephalitis. Mr. A Lap (father of the patient, in Ea Yieng commune, Krong Pak district) said that on the evening of November 16, the child had symptoms of headache, accompanied by high fever and vomiting, so his family took him to the doctor and bought medicine. Drink it but it doesn't help. On the evening of November 18, the child was taken to Krong Pak District Medical Center. After that, he was transferred to Central Highlands General Hospital. The patient was admitted to the Pediatric - Neonatal Intensive Care Department with a diagnosis of sepsis, monitoring for meningitis, and monitoring for Dengue hemorrhagic fever on the third day. On December 8, the patient was diagnosed with respiratory failure by doctors. Grade IV respiratory disease, sepsis, meningoencephalitis, cerebral edema, gastrointestinal bleeding. Test results by the Central Highlands Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology confirmed that the child was positive for Japanese encephalitis. Up to now, after about 1 and a half months of treatment, the child is still awake but unconscious, his legs are twitching...

"My health condition still has a lot of phlegm, my eyes are open but when I call, I don't answer, my legs and arms are atrophied. Before, my health was normal and I still rode my bike to school. Since my child got sick, his arms and legs have atrophied, and now his family doesn't know how to fix it," Mr. A Lap shared.

Implement measures

According to Mr. Hoang Hai Phuc, Director of the Center for Disease Control of Dak Lak province, compared to 2022, the number of dengue fever cases in the locality has decreased significantly, but there have been 6 deaths, which rings the alarm bell. . The reason is because many people do not care about their health. Through the deaths, most people arbitrarily bought medicine to self-treat. When they entered the hospital, their condition was already severe, with dengue fever shock on the 4th and 5th day...
“For deaths, the Department of Health holds an emergency meeting to analyze and evaluate subjectively and objectively, give causes, and find solutions to minimize deaths. But first, people need to raise awareness of self-protection; When there are signs of illness, you need to immediately go to medical facilities for examination and treatment, to avoid the illness until the 4th or 5th day, causing dengue shock," Mr. Hoang Hai Phuc informed.

In 2023, Dak Lak province recorded many cases of meningoencephalitis, including 7 cases of Japanese encephalitis. Notably, all cases are children under 15 years old. Characteristics of Japanese encephalitis occurring in children under 15 years old who are not fully vaccinated. Through the detected cases, the Provincial Center for Disease Control sent staff to take samples for testing. Through investigation, around the patient's house, it was noted that there were Culex mosquitoes living, which are vectors of Japanese Encephalitis. This is alarming because the possibility of transmitting Japanese encephalitis can occur if good prevention measures are not taken.

According to Mr. Hoang Hai Phuc, to prevent disease, people need to clean their houses, barns, and use disinfectants... The Provincial Center for Disease Control has advised the Department of Health to issue an official dispatch directing the force. Health in districts, towns and cities strengthen disease prevention and control; Propagate so that people can be fully vaccinated according to the recommended schedule of the Ministry of Health; At the same time, when detecting the disease, people must immediately go to a medical facility to be diagnosed and promptly treated to avoid unfortunate situations from occurring.

“Even though the Japanese encephalitis vaccine has been provided to the district level. However, propaganda and vaccination work for the people has not received much response. Out of 7 cases of illness, only 3 cases were vaccinated with Japanese encephalitis vaccine. Therefore, people need to consciously protect themselves and vaccinate their children with all vaccinations to prevent diseases," said Mr. Hoang Hai Phuc.

Recently, to proactively control infectious disease epidemics in the Winter - Spring of 2023 - 2024, the People's Committee of Dak Lak province issued a document directing the People's Committees of districts, towns and cities to enhance their roles and responsibilities in prevention and control of infectious diseases. Localities must ensure funding, resources and mobilize the participation of departments, branches, unions, and socio-political organizations in disease prevention and control; Regularly inspect, supervise, urge and direct localities and units to deploy epidemic prevention and control activities in the area...

* SOURCE: https://baotintuc.vn/y-te/dak-lak-doi-dien-voi-dich-benh-truyen-nhiem-phuc-tap-trong-mua-dong-xuan-20240104074503289.htm

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