Posted on 10 Month 11 2022

A burn or burn is a type of injury to the skin or other tissues caused by heat, electricity, chemicals, friction, or radiation. due to hot heat from a liquid, solid, or combustible substance.
There are many types of burns such as: Burns caused by hot heat from liquids, solids, or combustibles. , burns due to chemicals, burns due to electric shock, burns due to gasoline explosion... In which, thermal burns are the most common form, mainly occurring in daily life such as boiling water, hot cooking oil. ..
Thermal burns include dry heat and wet heat. Heat burns when coming from contact with hot irons, hot motorbikes, fires, gas cylinders, explosions,...

Below are photos and testimonials from customers experiencing the product and the results:

Some sharing from patients with facial burns caused by gasoline fires

" Because the house has a large honeycomb, so I brought a 10 liter can of gasoline to water, lit the fire carelessly, caught fire in the face, burned the entire face and arms, hospitalized in a state of severe burns"

"After 1 day in the hospital, I started using Antivirus Solution to spray, the results after 3 days healed and I asked to be discharged..."

Photos of customers burned by gasoline fires
Pictures of customers when supported by the product after 3 days of spraying on the damaged skin surface

After 3 days, just spray directly with ANTIVIRUS SOLUTION product, the burn surface has dried and regenerated young skin, does not cause skin irritation, reduces itching, burning, swelling directly at the open wound.

Patients with gasoline burns healed up to 99% after 3 days of spraying Antivirus Solution Longevity.

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