Posted on 10 Month 11 2022

When the season changes, the weather and air humidity change erratically, making the body unable to adapt in time. This is a favorable environment for viruses and bacteria that cause respiratory diseases to be active, so this is the time of outbreaks of many respiratory diseases, especially those with weak immune systems such as children. and the elderly.

Common respiratory diseases at the change of seasons such as colds, nasopharyngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia and chronic diseases that are easy to recur such as bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease calculation,... there will be exacerbations and then worsening when conditions are favorable.

* Received information and photos from a patient's family member, an 87-year-old old man infected with Covid, with 15% white lung left

Image: The patient's chest X-ray was opalescent to 15%.
Image: An X-ray of the patient's lungs when using the Antivirus Solution product recovered 60%
Image: Information provided by the patient's family, who used the treatment product Antivirus Solution to breathe the medicine evenly with a vibrating air machine
Photo: His lungs have recovered to 80% (information from the provider)

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