Posted on 18 Month 05 2022
Launching an oral solution, nasal spray, and throat spray, Antivirus Solution

Following Uncle Ho's thought on healing and maintaining the health of the people is caring for health, caring for people, is an important great legacy to continue to learn from Uncle Ho's teachings. . Truong Sinh Financial & Technology Development Group Joint Stock Company always lives and works non-stop, trying to research, seek and learn to make medicines with Vietnamese medicinal herbs, constantly making efforts. manufacture and develop useful products for public health.

First of all, Truong Sinh and the whole people join hands to spread ANTIVIRUS SOLUTION to be able to put an end to the currently raging Corona epidemic. Next, Truong Sinh wishes to accompany the health care of people around the world in general and Vietnamese people in particular, getting better day by day.

Truong Sinh always devotes, studies and works according to the ideology, morality and style of PRESIDENT HO CHI MINH. Taking Uncle Ho's thought as a guideline for each of our actions, spreading love, holding hands in solidarity to create the extraordinary strength of the Vietnamese people: "Wanting for our country to develop. Compared to the great power of the five continents, every cell of the country must be healthy, the economy must be stronger every day."

Thank you very much to the ladies/uncle, you have trusted in using our ANTIVIRUS SOLUTION DRINKING SOLUTION, NOSE SOLUTION product to treat Corona during the past time. Ladies/Uncle, Brother/Sister are the first lucky people in Vietnam to have the chance to experience the greatness of the product.

Truong Sinh, after a period of efforts and efforts to perfect products, quality, modern automatic lines, scientific publications, update legal licenses for DRINKING SOLUTION products, Nose spray, ANTIVIRUS SOLUTION ... We can be proud of the product MADE IN VIETNAM - SCHOOL WORKS TO Blow away the pandemic.

Once again, on behalf of Truong Sinh Financial & Technology Development Group Joint Stock Company, I would like to send my sincere thanks, best wishes for health, success and luck to you. , would like to thank family, friends and the collective of officials and employees who have worked together, unitedly and devotedly for a more "kind love" life.

Special thanks!

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