New plan to vaccinate against COVID-19 for target groups

Posted on 23 Month 05 2023

– According to this new plan of the Ministry of Health, the implementation of the basic dose of COVID-19 vaccine for children under 5 years old and further injections for children aged 5 years and older will be recommended and guided by the Ministry of Health. be specific when there are sufficient grounds, scientific basis and suitable to the epidemic situation.

The Ministry of Health has just issued a new plan for vaccination against COVID-19 for target groups. Photo: VGP/HM

According to the Ministry of Health, up to now, Vietnam has completed basic vaccination for people aged 12 years and older and in 2023 it is necessary to continue to vaccinate people who are new to the age of vaccination against COVID-19. 19 and booster shots.

According to a report by the Central Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, by April 25, 2023, there were about 2.8 million unused doses of vaccine at all levels.

The demand for vaccines proposed by provinces and cities changes frequently, leading to difficulties in accurately determining the demand for vaccines against COVID-19 in 2023.

On May 5, 2023, WHO declared the COVID-19 pandemic to be no longer a public health emergency of international concern. The organization has issued interim recommendations for countries in the control of COVID-19, which recommends integrating COVID-19 vaccination in a lifetime immunization programme.

Therefore, in order to continue implementing the COVID-19 vaccine vaccination in 2023 for children aged 5 years and older, and at the same time to prepare for the implementation of vaccination for children from 6 months to under 5 years old and to vaccinate children with booster vaccines. Next, when recommended, the Ministry of Health issues a plan to use the COVID-19 vaccine in 2023, to serve as a basis for localities to determine their own vaccine needs, develop and implement vaccination vaccination plans. COVID-19 in the locality is appropriate to the situation.

Subjects vaccinated against COVID-19
Specifically, subjects to be vaccinated against COVID-19 according to the 2023 plan, including:

- People 18 years of age or older, people who have not received booster shots and people who are scheduled to receive injections in 2023 (people aged 17 to 18 years).

- People from 12 to under 18 years old: People who have not had 3 injections yet, those who are scheduled for injection in 2023 (people from 11 to 12 years old).

- People from 5 years old to under 12 years old: There is a need for basic injection.

Particularly for children under 5 years of age and follow-up vaccinations for groups of 5 years old and older, Deputy Minister of Health Nguyen Thi Lien Huong said that the implementation of basic dose of COVID-19 vaccine for patients This phenomenon will be recommended and guided by the Ministry of Health when there is enough evidence, scientific basis and suitable to the epidemic situation.

The vaccine against COVID-19 in 2023 will still be given free of charge. The vaccination against COVID-19 can be integrated with regular vaccination activities in accordance with the actual implementation in localities.


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