Influenza virus causes respiratory disease in China

Posted on 28 Month 11 2023
  • The recent increase in acute respiratory illness cases in China is caused by various respiratory pathogens.

This is the opinion of the National Health Commission of China on November 26. According to a spokesman for China's National Health Commission, recent respiratory infectious diseases are mainly caused by influenza viruses. Other cases are caused by Rhinovirus, Mycoplasma pneumoniae bacteria, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and Adenovirus. Cases in children appear to be especially high in northern regions such as Beijing and Liaoning province.

China's National Health Commission recommends increasing the number of clinics and treatment wards, ensuring drug supplies and promoting disease prevention in crowded places such as schools, childcare facilities and hospitals. nursing.

The number of respiratory disease cases is increasing rapidly in Northern China, many of whom are children, raising concerns about a post-COVID-19 pandemic. However, on November 24, Chinese health authorities said no new pathogens were detected in this outbreak. The number of people hospitalized increased as winter approached, and familiar respiratory viruses developed after the country lifted restrictions.

On November 20, the public disease surveillance system ProMED, which once issued early warnings about COVID-19 cases, recorded that many hospitals in China were overloaded due to the pneumonia outbreak. The epidemic mainly occurred in Beijing, spreading to northeastern Liaoning province and a number of other small areas.

Symptoms include fever, pneumonia without cough, and lung nodules, often the result of a previous infection. Chinese officials have not reported any deaths.

On November 22, WHO asked China to provide more information about children with undiagnosed pneumonia. Beijing replied "it did not detect any new or unusual pathogens". However, the United Nations health agency still asked the country to add more details, noting that the Chinese Government needs to closely monitor the trends of viruses such as influenza and RSV nCoV. According to WHO, China first began recording mycoplasma pneumonia in mid-October.


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