The Ministry of Health supervises disease prevention and control in Binh Thuan

Posted on 14 Month 07 2023

On the afternoon of July 12, the delegation of the Ministry of Health led by Ms. Le Ho Phuong Nga, Deputy Director of Pasteur Institute Nha Trang, visited and worked with a number of units in Binh Thuan to supervise the work of prevention and control. , against dengue fever, hand, foot and mouth in the province.

The delegation of the Ministry of Health worked with the Provincial Center for Disease Control.

At a meeting with Binh Thuan Provincial Center for Disease Control (CDC), Mr. Che Ngoc Thach, Head of CDC's Department of Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control, said that from the beginning of the year until now, the province has recorded 163 cases of hand and foot disease. oral disease in 9/10 districts and towns, highly concentrated in some localities such as: La Gi town, Phan Thiet city, Ham Thuan Bac district... The number of hand, foot and mouth disease cases started to increase from the beginning of May and increased sharply in June. If in the first 5 months of the year, cases recorded about 4-13 cases per month, in June this number reached 130 cases. The province recorded the first death in La Gi town.

As of June 30, Binh Thuan province recorded 2,153 dengue cases (an increase of 28% over the same period in 2022), of which 65 were severe. The number of cases under the age of 15 accounts for 64%.

According to the Binh Thuan CDC, in the face of the increasing situation of dengue fever, districts, towns and cities have actively advised to carry out activities to kill larvae and spray chemicals as well as handle outbreaks. timely disease. At the same time, CDC cooperates with localities to promote communication activities; propagating ways to recognize and prevent dengue fever, hand, foot and mouth disease... The province has implemented monitoring and investigation of deaths suspected of having hand, foot and mouth disease; distributing leaflets, organizing mobile communication to prevent hand, foot and mouth disease.

The Ministry's Health Delegation inspected the prevention of dengue fever in Mui Ne ward, Phan Thiet city.

At the meeting, the members of the Delegation noted that the annual circulation cycle of hand, foot and mouth disease increases from August to October, then decreases gradually to June of the following year. However, in the last 2 years, the disease tends to increase as early as May - June. Besides, dengue fever also comes earlier and has a complicated development. The mission pointed out the shortcomings and noted some solutions for Binh Thuan to improve the effectiveness of epidemic prevention and control.

Deputy Director of Pasteur Institute Nha Trang Le Ho Phuong Nga highly appreciated the initiative of Binh Thuan province in implementing the prevention and control of dengue fever and hand, foot and mouth disease. With the current situation of the disease increasing, Deputy Director of Pasteur Institute Nha Trang suggested the Department of Health advise the People's Committee of Binh Thuan province to direct branches and localities to coordinate with the Health sector to well implement the work. epidemic prevention and control.
The Department of Health and the provincial CDC continue to monitor cases in the community, paying attention to mobilizing the involvement of private medical facilities. At the same time, the Department regularly organizes capacity building training for district medical staff in disease prevention and control. The Department of Health has prepared funding, material and human resources to be ready to respond to epidemic prevention and control if the epidemic continues to rise and break out.

For the province's recommendations on the lack of drugs to treat hand, foot and mouth disease, severe dengue fever; professional training support; strengthening the operation of infectious disease surveillance system software..., the mission will summarize and report to the Ministry of Health.

The Ministry's Health Delegation inspected the prevention of dengue fever in Mui Ne ward, Phan Thiet city.

Before that, the delegation also visited the actual work of receiving, collecting and treating dengue fever, hand, foot and mouth disease patients to visit and treat at Binh Thuan Provincial General Hospital; supervise activities of prevention and control of dengue fever, hand, foot and mouth disease in Mui Ne ward, Phan Thiet city...


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