Ho Chi Minh City runs out of EPI vaccines, leading to the risk of many epidemics appearing

Posted on 02 Month 12 2023
  • Prolonged interruption of vaccine supply and reduced vaccine coverage rate in the community will lead to outbreaks of many diseases.

This is information given by Deputy Director of the Ho Chi Minh City Center for Disease Control (HCDC) Le Hong Nga at a press conference providing information on socio-economic issues in Ho Chi Minh City on the afternoon of September 30. 11.

According to Ms. Le Hong Nga, the last time HCDC received vaccines from the National Expanded Immunization Program was in early October 2023 with two types of vaccines: VAT (tetanus) and oral polio. However, up to now, in the city, most vaccines in the Expanded Immunization Program have run out.

In particular, the tetanus vaccine for pregnant women is expected to run out in mid-December, and the Japanese encephalitis vaccine is expected to run out in January 2024. If HCDC does not receive any vaccine supply from the Ministry of Health, the City's Expanded Vaccination Vaccine will run out completely in the near future.

"Prolonged interruption of vaccine supply will have many impacts. For each child who is not fully vaccinated, there will be a very high risk of disease. If an entire community is not fully vaccinated, what is the rate?" Vaccine coverage will decrease, leading to the risk of many diseases such as measles, diphtheria, whooping cough... there is also a possibility of outbreaks if there is no vaccine in the near future," Ms. Nga informed.

Also according to the Deputy Director of HCHC, up to now, statistics in the city record that there are 2,871 children (under 1 year old) who have not been vaccinated with 3 doses of the 5-in-1 vaccine; 3,362 children have not received the first measles vaccination. For children over 1 year old, there are 8,882 children who have not received the second measles vaccination; 18,084 children have not received booster shots for diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis at 18 months.

HCDC representative said that each ward and commune has made a list of unvaccinated children to be ready to invite children to be vaccinated when receiving vaccines from the National Expanded Immunization Program.

Regarding the first case of whooping cough in 2023 recorded in the Northern region, Ms. Le Hong Nga said that this is an infectious disease that requires vaccination. For a long time, this is a disease that requires vaccination in the Expanded Immunization Program. However, in the current context of the Expanded Immunization vaccine being interrupted in supply, non-drug preventive measures need to be implemented to protect children against whooping cough.

HCDC representatives recommend that adults with any symptoms of acute respiratory infection should limit direct contact with children. Hands should be washed before and after taking care of children. It is necessary to ensure hygiene and keep the space clean and clean the utensils. With these non-drug preventive measures, it is possible to prevent not only whooping cough but also other respiratory infections. Adults also need to be fully vaccinated to limit the transmission of diseases to children.

For children who have not been fully vaccinated, family members should take the child for vaccination as soon as they are invited by the health station. If possible, you should take your child to a vaccination service.

* SOURCE: https://baophapluat.vn/tp-hcm-het-vaccine-tcmr-nguy-co-xuat-hien-nhieu-dich-benh-post497355.html

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