Covid-19 and flu surround the UK

Posted on 05 Month 01 2024

The number of flu and Covid-19 infections is increasing in the UK, with about 1,000 flu patients hospitalized every day, putting pressure on the health system.

The number of flu hospitalizations in the country increased by 45% during the week of the Christmas holiday. Data shows that community transmission remains serious. On average, every day in the UK there are nearly 1,000 patients hospitalized with flu, of which nearly 50 patients are admitted to the intensive care unit. The number is about 6 times higher than a month ago.

Experts say that the Covid-19 wave also increases while people prepare for Christmas, and will peak after the New Year. The infection rate doubled, to 4.3% of the population, with 2.5 million people infected in the first half of December.

Professor Karl Friston, a virus modeler at University College London, believes that the number of cases will peak in early January. Professor Stephen Powis, director of the National Health Service (NHS), said that the This figure shows the huge pressure facing the NHS, as the number of respiratory patients has increased in the past few weeks.

"I urge the public to time Covid-19 and flu vaccines if eligible, and make sure to have a reserve of medicines available during the holidays," Mr. Powis said.

Electron microscopic image of nCoV, orange. Photo: NIAID-RML

Cases of winter vomiting remain at higher levels than the 450 patients admitted each day last week, 61% higher than the same week last year.

According to the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), JN.1 is the variant that is spreading at the fastest and strongest rate in the country. JN.1 is derived from BA.2.86, a sub-strain of Omicron. It possesses a distinct mutation in the spike protein (responsible for entering and infecting cells) and mutations in other regions. According to the latest data from UKHSA, this is the fastest growing strain, with a weekly rate of 84.2%.

The World Health Organization (WHO) is also monitoring JN.1, but has not yet considered it a variant of concern (VOC).

According to Professor Majeed, the symptoms of JN.1 infection are "similar to other strains". These symptoms may improve on their own over time or require simple treatment. However, if more serious conditions such as difficulty breathing develop, the patient needs to go to the hospital.


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