Anaphylaxis after taking medicine for sore throat

Posted on 19 Month 05 2023

QUANG NINH - A 60-year-old man, suffering from a sore throat, bought himself medicine to drink, then had difficulty breathing, rash, and was diagnosed with anaphylaxis.

On May 19, a representative of Cam Pha Regional General Hospital informed that the patient was admitted to the emergency room with difficulty breathing, chest tightness, and a rash all over the body. The patient said he was allergic to antibiotics.

This time, because the drugs were peeled off, divided into daily doses, put in separate bags, so the man did not know which one he took.

Doctors diagnosed the patient with grade 2 anaphylaxis, severe level, and immediately treated according to the protocol. Currently, the man's health is stable.

Anaphylaxis is a serious allergic reaction that can cause airway constriction, circulatory failure, and death if not diagnosed and handled promptly.

Medical experts advise patients to be cautious when using the drug. People with a history of drug allergies and allergens (food, drink) should examine and use drugs as prescribed by a doctor.

People do not arbitrarily buy drugs, self-treat because anaphylaxis can occur and cause serious consequences. After taking the drug, if the body appears abnormal reactions such as red rash, itching, difficulty breathing, chest tightness, it is necessary to immediately go to the nearest medical facility for timely emergency treatment.


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