The Ministry of Health asked to closely monitor those involved in the anthrax outbreak

Posted on 05 Month 06 2023

All cases had epidemiological history related to slaughtering and eating buffaloes and cows.

On June 2, the Department of Preventive Medicine - Ministry of Health sent a document to the Department of Health of Dien Bien province and the Central Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology on strengthening the prevention and control of anthrax epidemic in humans.

Previously, according to a report by the Center for Disease Control of Dien Bien province, from May 5 to May 30, Tua Chua district recorded 3 outbreaks of skin anthrax with 13 cases in Muong Bang commune (Muong Bang commune). one coal outbreak), Xa Nhe commune (2 coal outbreaks). The district has not recorded any deaths so far.

According to the Center for Disease Control of Dien Bien province, after investigating and reviewing, specialized agencies have determined that there are 3 outbreaks in villages in Tua Chua district, including: Pang De A, Phieng Quang (Xa Nhe commune). ; Hang Tro 1 (Muong Bang commune). All three outbreaks above came from buffaloes and cows that died of unknown causes in Pang De A village.

The functional force also continued to record 132 more people who had contact with and ate the meat of the 3 buffaloes and cows mentioned above. Symptoms include: Blisters, sores on the skin. Some people experience symptoms of headache, abdominal pain, diarrhea, shortness of breath, and body aches.

Dien Bien detected 3 outbreaks of anthrax in humans, the Ministry of Health requested to strengthen prevention. Photo: SKDS.

Xa Nhe and Muong Bang communes of Tua Chua district have had coal outbreaks before. However, people are still subjective, do not declare when buffaloes and cows die abnormally, but still slaughter and sell. Specialized agencies and local authorities are implementing many activities to prevent and prevent the spread of the disease.

To proactively prevent anthrax infection from animals to humans, the Department of Preventive Medicine of the Ministry of Health sent official dispatch No. 616/DP-DT to request the director of the Dien Bien Provincial Department of Health to direct the units in the area. expeditiously carry out key tasks, specifically:

Closely monitor the health of people involved in slaughtering and using the same source of beef and bovine meat as the above case and those in close contact with the case for timely prevention and treatment; strengthen surveillance and early detection of suspected cases of anthrax; environmental treatment in the outbreak area according to regulations.

Strengthen coordination with veterinary authorities and relevant departments and agencies in monitoring and detecting anthrax in animals to take timely preventive measures in humans; cooperate in investigating and handling anthrax outbreaks in animals.

Increase communication on measures to prevent animal-to-human anthrax transmission, with special attention to high-risk areas and those who raise, trade and slaughter buffaloes and cows. It is recommended that people do not slaughter and use food from dead buffaloes, cows and horses of unknown origin.

Direct medical examination and treatment facilities in the area to be ready to well organize the collection, isolation and treatment of patients and promptly notify the Center for Disease Control for investigation and handling of the outbreak.

Also in Official Letter 616/DP-DT, the Department of Preventive Medicine requested the director of the Central Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology to direct, guide and support localities in investigating, monitoring and monitoring suspected cases. infections, close contacts of cases; handle outbreaks according to regulations;

Guide and support the local confirmatory testing of samples from suspected human cases; consider training to improve local capacity in monitoring, detecting, investigating and handling anthrax outbreaks in humans as well as guiding coordination with the veterinary sector.


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