Increase in children suffering from hand, foot and mouth disease, beware of viruses that cause severe disease

Posted on 06 Month 07 2023

T in from Quang Ninh Obstetrics and Children's Hospital said that recently, doctors have recorded a number of cases of children with hand, foot and mouth disease coming for examination and treatment, mainly at levels 1 and 2a.

The children were admitted to the hospital with symptoms such as skin lesions in the limbs, high fever over 39 degrees Celsius, startling, vomiting, and crying. However, there are also some children who have no external symptoms, making it difficult to detect and diagnose.

Many children with hand, foot and mouth disease are hospitalized with symptoms such as skin lesions in the hands, feet and mouth, high fever over 39 degrees Celsius, startling, vomiting, and crying. (Doctor of Quang Ninh Obstetrics and Children's Hospital examines a child with hand, foot and mouth disease. Photo of BVCC)

According to the doctor of Quang Ninh Obstetrics and Children's Hospital, hand, foot and mouth disease is an infectious disease caused by the Enterovirus group of intestinal viruses, the most common being Coxsackie A16 and Enterovirus type 71.

In which, Enterovirus type 71 (EV71) causes many dangerous complications of encephalitis, meningitis, pneumonia, myocarditis and can lead to death.

The disease can occur at any age, but up to 90% is in young children, especially those under 5 years old.

If a child with hand, foot, and mouth disease has abnormal symptoms such as high fever, lethargy, and loss of consciousness, the child should be taken to a specialized medical facility immediately for timely treatment (Examination for pediatric patients with hand, foot and mouth disease at the Hospital). Quang Ninh Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology (BVCC's photo)

The virus that causes hand, foot and mouth disease is capable of spreading very quickly, transmitted directly from person to person through the mouth, through secretions from the nose, mouth, feces or saliva of sick children. There is currently no vaccine to prevent hand, foot and mouth disease.

The treatment of hand, foot and mouth disease is mainly symptomatic treatment, patient care at home and the use of fever-reducing, pain-relieving drugs, rehydrating the body according to the instructions of the doctor.

Typical signs of hand, foot and mouth disease. BSCC photo

Doctors recommend that, to care for children with hand, foot and mouth disease, parents need:

– Wash hands often with soap before preparing food, eating, feeding young children, using the toilet, after changing diapers and after contact with blisters.

Use soap to clean items, disinfect with common detergents.

- Avoid hugging, kissing, sharing clothes and personal items with infected children.

– When children are sick, avoid contact with crowded places such as kindergartens and schools.

- Instruct children to cover their mouth and nose when sneezing and coughing.

- Monitor disease status and get timely medical care. If the child has abnormal symptoms such as high fever, lethargy, loss of consciousness, the child should be taken to a specialized medical facility immediately for timely treatment.


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