Hospitals in the West run out of medicine for hand, foot and mouth treatment

Posted on 17 Month 06 2023

The number of cases of hand, foot and mouth disease increased dramatically, but some hospitals in the West lacked treatment, causing many patients to be transferred.

In the first two weeks of June, Can Tho Children's Hospital (which receives pediatric patients in the Mekong Delta) treated nearly 400 cases of hand, foot and mouth disease. In May, the number of cases was 490, an increase of 140% compared to April. Since the beginning of the year, the number of treatment cases is more than 2,400 from the locality and neighboring provinces.

Doctor Mr. Huy Thanh, deputy director of the hospital, said that there are 11 cases of very serious level 3 and 4 disease being treated at the Intensive Care Unit; 5 other children at the Infection Department are closely monitored. Explaining the cause of the sudden increase in cases, Mr. Thanh said that this is the time when the disease is in season, and many children are infected with the hand, foot and mouth virus group E71, causing the disease to get worse quickly.

However, this unit is having difficulty because Immunoglobulin - a drug that increases immunity to treat hand, foot and mouth disease is running out. This is a drug purchased through auction, but due to the sudden increase in the number of critically ill children, the suppliers have not been able to manage in time. "Therefore, in the next 1-2 weeks, cases continue to increase without a source of medicine, it is very difficult to receive and treat," said Dr. Thanh.

A doctor examines a suspected case of hand, foot and mouth disease and was brought to Can Tho Children's Hospital on June 16. Photo: Huy Thanh

Similarly, in Ca Mau, hand, foot and mouth disease also increased sharply. Doctor Pham Minh Pha, deputy director of the provincial Obstetrics and Children's Hospital, said that since the beginning of the year, this place has received more than 150 cases (an increase of more than 400% over the same period last year). The number of pediatric patients increased sharply in January, then gradually decreased, and now tends to increase again in May and June.

According to Mr. Pha, currently human resources and facilities are qualified to meet the treatment of hand, foot and mouth disease. However, medical equipment and supplies are currently only temporary, without ECMO (artificial heart and lung) system as well as some dialysis supplies. In particular, specific treatment drugs such as Phenobarbital, intravenous Immunoglobulin (for level 2b or higher) are also "running out" due to the bidding procedure.

Mr. Nguyen Van Dung, Director of the Department of Health of Ca Mau province, said that before the situation of hand, foot and mouth disease was complicated, the unit had directed to check medical facilities on their readiness for emergency and treatment. treatment as well as logistics, drug preparation and infusion.

A case of hand, foot and mouth disease is being treated at the Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Ca Mau province. Photo: Anh Minh

Currently, the number of hand, foot and mouth disease cases in Ho Chi Minh City has also increased sharply, the most worrisome problem is that serious patients are moving from other provinces and cities, while the source of medicine in the city is limited. In early June, the Department of Health requested the Drug Administration of Vietnam, the Ministry of Health, to assist in sourcing drugs for hand, foot and mouth treatment. The Ministry of Health then replied that the drug will be available in July.

Specifically, there are currently 13 drugs containing Immunoglobulin that have been granted a valid circulation registration certificate in Vietnam. In which, Human normal immunoglobulin 100 mg has 2,344 boxes of 250 ml and 215 boxes of 50 ml. It is expected that in mid-August, this drug manufacturer will supply Vietnam with 2,000 boxes of 250 ml.

Immunoglobulin 5% currently has 300 vials in stock at Cho Ray Hospital. It is expected that by the end of July, the drug manufacturer will supply about 5,000 to 6,000 vials.

In addition, the Drug Administration of Vietnam has licensed the import of Barbit drugs - drugs that have not yet been registered for circulation in Vietnam - to meet special treatment needs. The manufacturer of this drug said it will supply 21,000 ampoules (Phenobarbital 200 mg/ml) in early July.

Thus, at the beginning of July, the supply of hand, foot and mouth treatment drugs will be more, supplying Ho Chi Minh City as well as hospitals in the West.

Hand, foot and mouth disease is an acute viral infection, transmitted by the gastrointestinal tract, common in children under 5 years of age and has the potential to cause large epidemics. Characteristic signs of the disease are fever, sore throat, lesions of the oral mucosa and skin, mainly in the form of blisters, often found on the palms, soles, knees, buttocks. Most cases are mild. In some cases, the disease progresses seriously and dangerous complications can lead to death. The disease needs to be detected early and treated promptly.

There is no vaccine to prevent this disease. The Ministry of Health recommends parents to prevent diseases for children with three clean: clean eating - clean living, clean hands and clean toys. At the same time, when detecting a child with suspected signs of illness (boils on hands, feet, mouth), it is necessary to take them to a doctor or immediately notify the nearest health agency. Parents keep their children away from school when they are sick to limit the spread of the disease to other children.


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