Thanh Hoa: Urgently deploying Marburg disease prevention and control

Posted on 24 Month 03 2023

The People's Committee of Thanh Hoa province assigned the Department of Health to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant units, to urgently implement the strengthening of surveillance for Marburg disease prevention and control.

Vice Chairman of Thanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee Dau Thanh Tung has just assigned the Department of Health of this province to chair and coordinate with the Department of Information and Communications and relevant units to urgently implement the direction of the Ministry of Health in Official Dispatch No. 1452/BYT-DP on strengthening surveillance of Marburg epidemic prevention and control.

Previously, on March 17, the Ministry of Health issued Official Letter No. 1452/BYT-DP on strengthening supervision of Marburg disease prevention and control. On March 20, Thanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee issued a document directing the Department of Health, Department of Information and Communications to implement the direction of the Ministry of Health in the above dispatch.

An electron microscope image of the Marburg virus. Internet source

According to the Ministry of Health, Marburg disease is an acute infectious disease caused by the Marburg virus. The natural reservoir is fruit bats. The disease can be transmitted from animals such as bats and primates to humans and from person to person through direct contact with blood, bodily fluids or with environment/objects contaminated with human secretions. Marburg virus.

The Ministry of Health recommends that the incubation period of the disease is from 2 to 21 days. The symptoms of high fever, headache, discomfort, then may appear diarrhea, abdominal pain, cramps, nausea. , vomiting, bleeding.

This is a particularly dangerous disease with a high mortality rate (50-88%). Worryingly, there is currently no vaccine or specific treatment for the disease.

In order to actively prevent and control the Marburg epidemic to prevent its spread into Vietnam, the Ministry of Health suggested that the People's Committees of provinces and cities direct the Department of Health to strengthen close monitoring of people on entry, at community and medical facilities. for early detection of suspected cases for epidemiological investigation and treatment to prevent the disease from spreading to the community.

Fully implement personal protective measures for healthcare workers and people in contact with suspected/infected cases, to prevent infection of health workers as well as spread in the community.

The Ministry of Health also requested that the Department of Health organize training courses for health workers at all levels on prevention, care and treatment measures, paying special attention to infection prevention and control. Actively develop a response plan according to situations to be ready to respond in the event of an epidemic occurring in the locality, not to be passive; ready drugs, equipment, human resources and funds to implement measures to collect, treat and prevent epidemics.

Strictly implement communication and reporting between medical levels and facilities, especially when recording suspected or infected cases.


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