In 2024, dengue fever is at risk of breaking out into an epidemic

Posted on 22 Month 12 2023

Forecasting that the infectious disease situation in 2024 in Vietnam will continue to be complicated, Deputy Minister of Health Nguyen Thi Lien Huong emphasized that dengue fever is at risk of breaking out into an epidemic when Hanoi has discovered the new type. DEN-3 virus.

At the conference summarizing disease prevention activities in the southern region this morning, December 22, Deputy Minister of Health Nguyen Thi Lien Huong assessed that in 2023, although some infectious diseases will decrease compared to the same period, many epidemics will still remain. increase, especially emerging infectious diseases.

Deputy Minister of Health Nguyen Thi Lien Huong spoke at the conference summarizing disease prevention activities in the southern region on the morning of December 22 - Photo: PV

Specifically, in 2023, dengue fever will decrease by 72%, COVID-19 disease will decrease by 98% compared to the same period last year, and rabies will not decrease significantly, becoming a new hot spot nationwide. Meanwhile, many other diseases such as hand, foot and mouth disease increased by 2.7 times, the number of deaths increased by 25 cases and the EV71 virus type predominated; The emerging disease monkeypox has entered our country and was recorded in 10/20 localities in the southern region with 113 cases and 6 deaths.

It is forecasted that the infectious disease situation in the world and in Vietnam in 2024 will continue to be complicated, with many potential threats to people's health, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. Chief Nguyen Thi Lien Huong said that in the southern region, hand, foot and mouth disease will likely continue to record the EV71 virus type causing severe illness due to the epidemic cycle lasting 2 consecutive years; Zoonotic diseases are still at high risk and can reappear at any time due to frequent detection of animal outbreaks such as rabies outbreaks in dogs, influenza A/H5 outbreaks in H5 and A poultry. /H7.

In addition, COVID-19 still has unpredictable elements and is not yet stable in terms of virus trends and agents. Agents that cause respiratory infections also tend to be difficult to predict as in recent times; Monkeypox has invaded and continues to record new cases in high-risk groups; HIV tends to increase.

"In particular, dengue fever is at risk of breaking out into an epidemic in 2024 when the DEN-3 virus type has been discovered in Hanoi," Deputy Minister Huong emphasized.

Faced with the above situation, Deputy Minister of Health Nguyen Thi Lien Huong requested that southern health units in 2024 proactively advise and submit to People's Councils and People's Committees at all levels to promulgate policies to implement expected health tasks. facilities and medical facilities according to the professional guidance of the Ministry of Health. In particular, special attention is paid to funding, spending norms for epidemic prevention activities, and procurement in each locality.

The Department of Health needs to invest in monitoring and checking the quality of statistical and reporting activities; Develop and approve response plans, fully prepare human resources, material resources and funding.

At the same time, the Department of Health coordinates with units in the health system to regularly train and improve the capacity of medical staff at all levels, including interdisciplinary veterinary medicine, military medicine and health sector, especially is with new problems and factors that arise in reality; Promote communication activities on epidemic prevention in the community, thereby making epidemic prevention activities a regular and continuous work of each citizen and all levels of government and organizations.


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