Chinese experts warn of the risk of an epidemic similar to Covid-19

Posted on 26 Month 09 2023
  • One of China's most famous virologists, known as "batman", has warned of the risk of a new epidemic caused by the corona virus.
Scientist Shi Zhengli (Photo: AP).

Leading Chinese virologist Shi Zhengli has warned that it is "very likely" that there will be diseases caused by coronaviruses in the future.

Ms. Shi - a scientist nicknamed "batman" because she specializes in researching a number of viruses transmitted to humans from animals, especially bats - warned that the world needs to prepare for a scenario that will appear. disease similar to Covid-19.

Coronavirus is the common name for a family of viruses named because they have a crown-like protein spike and often cause mild to severe upper respiratory illnesses, such as the common cold.

There are hundreds of coronaviruses, and most of them can spread in animals. Such viruses can sometimes spread to humans, for example in the case of Covid-19 when scientists suspect it may have originated in bats.

In addition to Covid-19, the corona virus caused an outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2003, causing thousands of deaths worldwide, mainly in mainland China and Hong Kong.

In the study, this scientist evaluated the risk of spreading to humans of 40 types of corona virus. She identified half of them as "high risk".

Of these, six are confirmed to cause disease in humans, while there is evidence that the remaining three can cause disease or infect other animals.

The study warns: "It is almost certain that there will be diseases appearing in the future and it is very likely that coronavirus-related diseases will recur."

The study is based on analysis of the virus's characteristics, including its population, genetic diversity, host species, and any previous history of zoonosis.


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