China calls for opening more clinics to deal with respiratory diseases

Posted on 28 Month 11 2023
  • China's Ministry of Health on November 26 called on local governments to strengthen medical examination and treatment facilities in the context of the recent rapid increase in the number of respiratory disease cases.
People wait outside a hospital in Beijing, China (Photo: Reuters).

China's National Health Commission spokesman Mi Feng said on November 26 that the increase in acute respiratory diseases is related to the simultaneous circulation of several types of pathogens, most notably is the flu.

"Efforts should be made to increase the number of clinics and appropriate treatment areas, extend service hours appropriately and strengthen the guarantee of drug supply," Mr. Mi Feng emphasized at yesterday's press conference.

He also recommended: "It is necessary to do a good job of disease prevention in crowded places such as schools, child care facilities, and nursing homes, while reducing the number of people passing by and visiting."

The number of respiratory-related illnesses has increased rapidly in China recently, mainly among young children in the northern provinces and cities of the country.

The World Health Organization (WHO) last week called on the country's officials to provide more information related to this epidemic. WHO on November 24 said that according to feedback from Chinese officials, they did not detect any new or unusual pathogens related to the outbreak.

The Chinese government believes that this flu epidemic will peak next winter and spring, while the rate of mycoplasma pneumoniae infection will remain high in some areas. Authorities also warned of the risk of a resurgence in Covid-19 cases.


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