Ho Chi Minh City has an urgent directive on Marburg disease surveillance

Posted on 01 Month 04 2023
  • Leaders of Ho Chi Minh City requested the Chairman of the People's Committees of districts and the heads of relevant departments and agencies to monitor and prevent the Marburg epidemic from occurring in the area.

On March 31, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City Duong Anh Duc signed an urgent document requesting increased supervision of Marburg disease prevention and control.

Accordingly, the chairmen of the People's Committees of the districts and the heads of the relevant departments and agencies shall implement measures to monitor, prevent and prevent the epidemic from occurring in the area.

In case of difficulties or problems beyond their authority, the units report to the Department of Health to summarize, advise and propose the City People's Committee to consider and direct in a timely manner.

Medical staff outside the isolation ward of Marburg virus patients in Angola. Photo: REUTERS

The city's Department of Health focuses on closely monitoring people on entry, in the community and at medical facilities to detect suspected cases early for epidemiological investigation. In particular, note those entering from countries with epidemics in Africa within 21 days; coordinate with relevant sectors in implementing measures to monitor, detect and isolate suspected cases of Marburg disease in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases.

The Department of Health of Ho Chi Minh City was also assigned to direct the affiliated medical units to coordinate with the Pasteur Institute of Ho Chi Minh City to take samples for diagnostic testing; manage if there are cases and treat to prevent the disease from spreading in the community.

Fully implement personal protective measures for health care workers and people in contact with suspected or infected cases, to prevent infection to health workers as well as to spread in the community.

In addition, proactively coordinate with departments, branches and localities to develop contingency plans to be ready to respond in case of an epidemic; not to be passive, ready drugs, equipment, human resources and funds to implement measures to collect, treat and prevent epidemics.

The City Health Department is also responsible for directing medical examination and treatment facilities when detecting cases with symptoms of high fever, headache, discomfort, and may appear additional related symptoms. then exploit the contact history to detect suspected cases of Marburg disease and collect samples in a timely manner. Ensure personnel, equipment, medical supplies, and drugs to deploy measures to collect and treat promptly when there are suspected or infected cases of Marburg disease, minimizing severe cases and death. death.

Departments, branches, People's Committees of districts and Thu Duc city are assigned to coordinate with the health sector to develop response plans according to situations to be ready to respond in case the epidemic occurs locally, not to be passive. .

* SOURCE: https://plo.vn/tphcm-co-chi-dao-khan-ve-giam-sat-dich-benh-marburg-post726646.html

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