Vietnam faces the risk of spreading many diseases

Posted on 29 Month 12 2023
  1. Around the world, infectious disease epidemics tend to increase in frequency and the risk of new variants of infection appears. The risk of spreading many types of diseases to our country is very large.

On the morning of December 27, the Ministry of Health held a rally in response to the International Day of Disease Prevention and Control with the message "All people and society participate in disease prevention and control".

According to Deputy Minister of Health Nguyen Thi Lien Huong, around the world, infectious disease epidemics are always complicated and unpredictable; tends to gradually increase in frequency and there is a risk of infection with new variants and emerging epidemics.

Endemic diseases such as dengue fever, hand, foot and mouth disease, and measles have increased significantly. The number of dengue fever cases has increased more than tenfold in the past 10 years, with an estimated half of the world's population at high risk each year.

Deputy Minister of Health Nguyen Thi Lien Huong spoke at the event (Photo: Tran Minh).

In 2023, the world continues to record cases of illness and death due to diseases transmitted from animals to humans and dangerous and emerging infectious diseases in many countries.

Vietnam is located in a tropical monsoon climate area, hot, humid, and rainy with increasing demand for trade and tourism, so the risk of facing the spread of many different diseases is very high. .

"The Ministry of Health calls on all people and the community to raise awareness of disease prevention and health promotion; regularly and actively participate in epidemic prevention and control activities," Deputy Minister Huong said.

At the same time, the Ministry of Health also requests sectors and localities to coordinate and direct local authorities at all levels and mobilize the entire society, political organizations and unions to participate in epidemic prevention and control. . The purpose is to prevent disease early, from afar, limit disease outbreaks, and always be prepared to respond to pandemics and future epidemic emergencies.

Therefore, it is important to prevent disease early, from afar, to limit disease outbreaks and proactively prepare to respond to future pandemics or epidemic emergencies.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Do Hung Viet also added that activities commemorating the International Day of Disease Prevention and Control remind us of the impact that epidemics have been and are causing.

"Thereby, we are aware of the importance of disease prevention, to educate, propagate, prevent and respond to epidemics. At the same time, it also helps improve the level of readiness to respond faster and effectively. more suitable for any epidemic that may occur. The urgency of strengthening the grassroots health system," Deputy Minister Viet said.

On the occasion of this year's International Day of Disease Prevention and Control, the Secretary General of the United Nations issued a response message "From the lessons of the Covid-19 pandemic, let's act together for a healthier, more peaceful world." more equal".

On December 7, 2020, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution to designate December 27 every year as the International Day for Disease Prevention and Control.


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