How to prevent the epidemic that is causing hundreds of students to miss school

Posted on 19 Month 03 2023

According to experts, now is the time of season change, favorable for respiratory pathogens to develop, so many people suffer from respiratory infections, especially seasonal flu (including influenza A and influenza). influenza B).

3 cases of rapid test were positive for influenza A. Photo source: Lao Cai Department of Health

Health experts recommend that influenza A shares some of the same symptoms as COVID-19. Therefore, when there are any symptoms of the flu, the patient needs to go to a medical facility for examination and diagnostic tests.

Influenza detected at an early stage will reduce the rate of need to use antibiotics and antiviral drugs, limit serious complications, and avoid the spread of epidemics in the community.

In addition, to avoid the risk of "overlapping epidemic", people need to wear a mask, clean their throat and nose every day, get a seasonal flu vaccine every year and eat enough to improve their health.

According to experts, now is the time of season change, favorable for respiratory pathogens to develop, so many people suffer from respiratory infections, especially seasonal flu (including influenza A and influenza). influenza B).

Symptoms of seasonal flu are difficult to distinguish from other respiratory diseases, diagnosis and treatment must follow the guidelines of health authorities.

To proactively prevent seasonal flu and protect the health of yourself, your family and the community, the Ministry of Health recommends:

1. People who have symptoms of cough, fever, runny nose, headache, fatigue, do not voluntarily take tests and buy drugs for treatment at home, but need to contact medical facilities for advice, examination and treatment. timely handling.

2. Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, preferably with a cloth or handkerchief or disposable tissue or sleeve to reduce the spread of respiratory secretions.

3. Wear a mask, wash your hands with soap and clean water or hand sanitizer (especially after coughing and sneezing). Do not spit indiscriminately in public.

4. Limit contact with people with flu or suspected cases when not necessary.

5. Follow a healthy lifestyle, increase physical activity, improve health.

Recently, the authorities of Bao Yen district, Lao Cai province said that 237 students in the district had to leave school with symptoms of cough, fever and fatigue.

Health authorities have carried out a quick test for COVID-19, the results of which were 45 negative cases; performed rapid influenza A/B test with 3 random cases with positive results for influenza A and confirmed influenza A diagnosis.

According to the health authorities, the cases occurred at schools where there are many people, so it is easy to spread. In addition, new cases are likely to continue to appear, affecting the health and learning quality of students, and risk spreading in the community if not zoned and handled in time.


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