Warning about diseases that may appear during the rainy season

Posted on 19 Month 10 2023

- During and after storms and floods, there are many microorganisms, garbage, waste... floating in the water, causing environmental pollution and potential risks of disease.

Flooding after floods is a favorable condition for disease-causing bacteria and viruses to grow, causing epidemics in humans. Common diseases during the rainy season are acute diarrhea, respiratory diseases, eye diseases, skin diseases, and dengue fever.

To prevent diseases caused by flooding after storms, the health center recommends using mosquito nets when sleeping, including during the day, to avoid transmitting diseases from mosquito bites, including dengue fever.

Gastrointestinal diseases (diarrhea caused by E.coli bacteria, dysentery, typhoid, cholera, hepatitis A) are easily contracted by using unsanitary water sources and contaminated food. Therefore, it is necessary to eat cooked food and drink boiled water, choose safe and hygienic food; Disinfect drinking and household water according to instructions from medical staff to prevent gastrointestinal diseases.

Skin diseases that are easily contracted by floods are foot and hand fungus; inflamed pores; dermatophytosis; tinea versicolor; scabies and boils. To prevent disease, do not bathe or wash clothes with dirty water. If you do not have disinfected well water, you must use alum or filter the water with sand. Do not wear wet clothes. Do not swim, bathe or play in flooded water because the water is very dirty. In addition to causing skin diseases, it also causes gastrointestinal diseases due to swallowing dirty water.

Avoid wading into stagnant dirty water. If you must wade into dirty water, immediately rinse with clean water and dry, especially between fingers and toes. Pay attention to prevent respiratory diseases by keeping warm in cold weather and ensuring adequate nutrition, especially for children and the elderly; Avoid contact with people showing signs of flu or respiratory infection.

Preventing deadly diseases
Notably, in practice in recent years, some leading specialized units have recorded that cases of Whitmore's disease often increase after storms and floods. This is a disease with a high mortality rate. The agent that causes this deadly disease is the bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei.

According to the warning, Whitmore disease (also known as Melioidosis) is an infection in humans and animals. This pathogenic bacteria exists naturally in soil, can pollute water sources and is transmitted mainly through the skin when there is an open wound in direct contact with contaminated soil, mud or water.

The rainy season is favorable conditions for Whitmore's disease bacteria to grow. Disease cases tend to increase at this time, concentrated from September to November every year, so it is necessary to raise awareness of disease prevention.

The disease has very diverse clinical manifestations, is difficult to diagnose and can cause patients to "eat their nose" leading to death due to complications of severe pneumonia, sepsis and septic shock. People with underlying diseases (diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease, chronic lung disease, immunodeficiency...) are at high risk of getting the disease and its progression is severe.

There is currently no vaccine to prevent Whitmore's disease. The main disease prevention measures are to ensure personal hygiene, environmental hygiene, and use labor protection when working in contact with contaminated soil, mud, water or in an unsanitary environment. , clean and disinfect contaminated skin tears, scratches or burns and eat and drink cooked food...

Whitmore is a dangerous disease with a high mortality rate, but the disease can be cured if diagnosed and treated promptly. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the symptoms for early diagnosis.

* SOURCE: https://vov.vn/suc-khoe/canh-bao-loai-dich-benh-co-the-xuat-hien-trong-mua-mua-post1052884.vov

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