Two European countries face a pneumonia epidemic similar to China

Posted on 02 Month 12 2023

Denmark and the Netherlands recorded an alarming increase in pneumonia cases, similar to the situation in China.

The Danish National Serum Institute (SSI) recently warned about a sudden increase in mycoplasma, a type of bacteria that causes pneumonia. According to data from SSI, there were 541 cases of the disease recorded last week, an increase of 222% compared to 168 cases in the same period in October.

In the Netherlands, the Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research (NIVEL) also reported a higher-than-expected number of patients with pneumonia visiting their general practitioner since August. Most patients were between 5 and 15 years old. . Surveillance data shows the incidence is nearly twice as high as the peak recorded last year.

From November 9 to 16, about 103 per 100,000 children were diagnosed with pneumonia, according to NIVEL. In the same period in 2022, the number is 58 per 100,000 children. Data from general practitioners also shows that patients aged 15 to 24 years old have pneumonia more often than usual. Infections are also increasing in children under 4 years old, although levels are still lower than before the pandemic.

However, NIVEL did not explain the reason for this strong price increase. The country is also recording high numbers of cases of flu, Covid-19 and RSV respiratory virus. All three viruses can cause pneumonia.

According to some experts, the Dutch cluster appeared before the Chinese cluster, which was not reported until November. Professor Ian Jones, a virologist at the University of Reading, said this could be the first outbreak. seasonal locally, occurring concurrently with the Chinese epidemic.

Meanwhile, US health officials also reported that about 142 children had pneumonia in Warren County, Ohio, from August to October this year. The average age of those infected is 8 and the most common symptoms are cough, fever and fatigue.

Illustration of a patient with pneumonia. Photo: MIT

In November, Beijing officials reported many hospitalizations due to respiratory illnesses. Some experts believe that the "mysterious epidemic in China may be spreading to Europe".

This has raised concerns for other countries, including the UK, which could be affected over Christmas. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) said it was "closely monitoring" the situation. India and Indonesia have also been warned to check for any similar outbreaks.

The WHO officially requested "detailed" information last week, as the number of infections continued to rise. ProMed - a global disease monitoring system and one of the first groups to determine the danger of Corona virus - also issued a warning on November 22.

In fact, similar epidemiological patterns have appeared around the world, when governments removed Covid-19 restrictions such as masks, social distancing and blockades.

After two years of epidemics that disrupted the spread of typical seasonal viruses, herd immunity dropped. This may be the reason people are more susceptible to illness and hospitalization.

"Because China went through a much longer and harsher lockdown than any other country, when restrictions are lifted, the normal wave of epidemics could be quite large," said Dr. Francois Balloux , University College London, said.

A hospital in Beijing is crowded with many children coming to see respiratory diseases. Photo: AFP

Hanne-Dorthe Emborg, an SSI researcher, warned that the number of cases will increase as immunity against bacteria decreases in the community during the Covid blockade.

Pneumonia is an infection caused by bacteria, viruses or other microorganisms that affects the air sacs. Bacterial or viral pneumonia should subside within two weeks. However, some cases can become more severe, especially in people over 65 years old, infants or young children, and people with lung disease. Therefore, it is important to be alert to specific signs to distinguish it from other viruses in children.

Although symptoms may overlap, experts recommend paying attention to persistent high fever, rapid breathing and chest contractions. At the same time, pay attention to symptoms such as cough, chest pain and difficulty breathing. The duration and intensity of symptoms can help distinguish pneumonia from other common viruses, such as bronchitis.

Dr Theobalds, a general practitioner at Pall Mall Medical, warns that if symptoms persist and become severe, urgent medical attention should be sought. At that time, the doctor can perform necessary tests such as blood tests and X-rays to come up with an appropriate treatment regimen.

The expert added that timely diagnosis and use of antibiotics can improve the chances of recovery.


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