How does COVID-19 affect your gut health?

Posted on 25 Month 05 2023
  • While a runny nose, sore throat, headache, and fatigue are common symptoms of COVID, the impact of the disease on the gut is becoming more apparent.
(Photo: The House of Wellness)

Research is now finding that there may be a link between your gut health and COVID. Clinical nutritionist Lee Holmes has seen a large number of clients of all ages experience gut health issues since the start of the pandemic.

"COVID-19 can enter the digestive system through an enzyme in the intestines called angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, which can affect the lining of the intestines, causing it to become perforated or inflamed, leading to," Lee said. a range of symptoms".

"I'm seeing clients with reflux, gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, nausea and various types of abdominal pain. That discomfort is affecting their weight, energy levels and firmness. It's definitely their mood."

How are gut health and COVID-19 related?

It is thought that your gut bacteria may also affect how you experience COVID. Research published in the online journal Gut reveals how the health of your microbiome (the variety and amount of bacteria that make up your gut) can affect the severity of COVID and your immune response in both the short and long term.

Scientists found some "good bacteria" were missing in the intestines of people infected with COVID.

They also concluded that the composition of a person's gut microbiota at the time of infection may influence whether they have "prolonged COVID" (long-term health effects may persist). months after initial illness).

Perth GP Dr Joe Kosterich said viral illnesses could be made worse for people with underlying health problems.

"And COVID is no exception," said Dr. Kosterich. "It shows up in people with metabolic health problems, who have a higher rate of severe COVID-19."

"We have more bacterial cells in our gut than 'human cells', and the importance of the gut microbiome for metabolic health and conditions like diabetes and heart disease just is just beginning to be understood."

Common causes of gut health problems

Lee said intestinal problems have worsened over the past two years. Increased stress, lack of exercise and dietary changes, with people eating more junk food and less fresh fruit and vegetables, are all taking a toll.

"The gut is the heart of your health, so if you're suffering from gut issues, you need to work on improving your gut microbiome, which will enhance your overall health," says Lee. ".


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