Dak Lak strengthens dengue fever prevention

Posted on 15 Month 08 2023
  • According to the Center for Disease Control of Dak Lak province, from the beginning of 2023 to August 13, the province recorded 1,625 cases of dengue fever and 2 deaths.
CDC medical staff deploying chemical spraying to prevent dengue fever in Ea Kar district.

Of these, there are 1,601 cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever with warning signs, 24 cases of severe dengue. Dengue fever patients tend to increase rapidly recently, from July to half of August 2023 alone, more than 1,200 cases have been recorded.

According to Dr. Le Phuc, Deputy Director of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Dak Lak province, recently, the dengue epidemic has become quite complicated. Faced with that situation, in order to timely and effective dengue prevention and control activities, to prevent the disease from spreading on a large scale, the CDC has asked the health centers of districts, towns and cities to continue implementing activities. Dengue fever prevention and control, timely response to dengue fever prevention and control chemicals, spraying machines to ensure readiness for epidemic prevention and control.

Monitor and handle cases and outbreaks in accordance with regulations and promptly, minimizing the spread of outbreaks and prolonged development. Simultaneously, the peak activities were carried out to actively prevent and control dengue fever in August and September 2023, including the implementation of a campaign on environmental sanitation and pest control at the scale of communes, wards, townships, and dangerous areas. tall muscle; Spraying chemicals to kill mosquitoes actively in high-risk places, spraying on a large scale in communes, wards and townships with complicated outbreaks.

"To strengthen the prevention of dengue fever, currently, CDC is coordinating with 7 localities including Buon Ma Thuot city, Buon Don district, Ea Kar, Ea Sup, Krong Pak, Krong Ana, Krong Nang, and Buon town. Ho... carried out active spraying of chemicals to prevent dengue fever Along with active chemical spraying, CDC health workers coordinated with localities to promote propaganda activities to raise awareness of fever prevention. bleeding for people," added Dr. Le Phuc.

As a locality that has recorded a high number of dengue cases in the province, with 395 cases, including 1 death, so that the dengue epidemic does not break out on a large scale, the Health Center Ea H'leo district, in collaboration with local authorities and commune health stations, has implemented campaigns on environmental sanitation, killing larvae, larvae for prevention and control of dengue fever on a commune-wide scale. mobilize all departments, branches, unions and people to participate; organize environmental sanitation, kill larva on every Saturday morning, collect waste and scrap at households and residential areas; assign collaborators to each household to inspect and supervise environmental sanitation; propagandize for people to take initiative in environmental sanitation, kill larva, detect fever cases, report immediately to collaborators or health stations to investigate and handle outbreaks in the community in a timely and effective manner. .

Doctor Nguyen Khac Hieu - Director of Ea H'leo District Health Center said: The health sector has actively cooperated with local authorities and all levels and sectors to strengthen propaganda on dengue fever prevention and control. , mobilizing people to actively participate in environmental sanitation. Organize training on knowledge on surveillance, case detection, larva killing skills for 100% of collaborators; organize communication on dengue fever prevention and control for people in the community; Distributing leaflets, hanging banners on dengue fever prevention and control and spraying insecticides at the locality where the outbreak was recorded. However, the current difficulty of the locality is that there is a shortage of chemicals to kill mosquitoes, while the bidding work is still entangled.

In order to actively implement measures to prevent the epidemic, prevent the epidemic from spreading and spreading, and minimize the number of cases and deaths, the Department of Preventive Medicine (Ministry of Health) has also issued a document to the Director of the Department of Health. The Department of Health of the provinces and centrally-run cities proposes to focus on directing a number of contents, specifically as follows:

- Closely monitor the patient's situation in the area, firmly grasp the existing and newly arising dengue fever outbreaks, thoroughly handle the outbreaks as soon as they are detected, so as not to let the epidemic break out, spread, drag long. Organize stronger implementation of campaigns on environmental sanitation, kill larvae (larvae) to prevent dengue fever in the area and maintain activities once a week in high-risk areas. Once every 2 weeks in areas with high mosquito, larva/larva index and once a month in the remaining areas.

- Work closely with the Department of Information and Communications and mass media agencies in the area to deploy propaganda activities so that people can actively respond to disease prevention measures for individuals and the community. Actively participate in collecting waste items containing standing water, where larva and mosquitoes grow, closing the lid and releasing fish into the tank, tools containing domestic water.

- Consolidate the system of officials in charge of insect control at the provincial and district levels. Well organize the proactive insect monitoring on all routes to early detect areas at risk for timely handling.

- Organize training on patient monitoring, insect surveillance, outbreak treatment for preventive health workers. Training on treatment regimens, emergency treatment of patients for medical staff doing treatment at all levels.

- Direct medical examination and treatment facilities to well organize the collection and treatment of patients, minimize the number of deaths caused by dengue fever, especially at private medical examination and treatment establishments, avoid The situation that patients are not consulted, given emergency care, treatment and referrals in a timely manner, and at the same time have a plan for treatment distribution and support at lower levels, avoiding hospital overload.

- Organize working groups to inspect and supervise dengue fever prevention and control in hot spots and areas at risk of epidemic outbreaks in the area, to support lower levels in epidemic prevention and control. .

- Direct medical units to promptly and fully report the epidemic situation via infectious disease reporting software as prescribed in Circular 54/2015/TTBYT dated December 28, 2015 of the Ministry of Health.

- Report to the Provincial People's Committee to allocate and supplement funds for dengue fever prevention and control activities in the province.

* SOURCE: https://vtv.vn/suc-khoe/dak-lak-tang-cuong-phong-chong-dich-benh-sot-xuat-huyet-20230814163029872.htm

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