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Dak Lak: A 2-year-old boy died of a flesh-eating bacteria disease
Dak Lak: A 2-year-old boy died of a flesh-eating bacteria disease
- On June 2, information from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Dak Lak province said that the locality had just recorded a case of a child dying from Whitmore's disease.
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Detecting three outbreaks of anthrax in humans in Dien Bien
Detecting three outbreaks of anthrax in humans in Dien Bien
Dien Bien discovered 13 people with anthrax belonging to three outbreaks in Tuan Giao and Tua Chua, whose epidemiological factors were slaughtering and eating buffalo meat.
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New plan to vaccinate against COVID-19 for target groups
New plan to vaccinate against COVID-19 for target groups
– According to this new plan of the Ministry of Health, the implementation of the basic dose of COVID-19 vaccine for children under 5 years old and further injections for children aged 5 years and older will be recommended and guided by the Ministry of Health. be specific when there are sufficient grounds, scientific basis and suitable to the epidemic situation.
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Anaphylaxis after taking medicine for sore throat
Anaphylaxis after taking medicine for sore throat
QUANG NINH - A 60-year-old man, suffering from a sore throat, bought himself medicine to drink, then had difficulty breathing, had an itchy rash, was diagnosed with anaphylaxis.
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Protecting children when dengue fever is in season
Protecting children when dengue fever is in season
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How much water should I drink per day?
How much water should I drink per day?
On average, adults should add 35-40 ml/kg of body weight per day, but each subject will have its own recommendations.
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Australia spends 33 million USD on long-term Covid-19 research
Australia spends 33 million USD on long-term Covid-19 research
The Australian Government will disburse an additional $33 million from the Health Research Futures Fund (MRFF) for sustained Covid-19 research.
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The latest Covid-19 epidemic situation in Ho Chi Minh City on April 25
The latest Covid-19 epidemic situation in Ho Chi Minh City on April 25
The situation of the Covid-19 epidemic in Ho Chi Minh City is on an increasing trend when many new variants of the Omicron strain appear.
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