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Gia Lai: Proactive measures to prevent and control dengue fever and hand, foot and mouth disease
Gia Lai: Proactive measures to prevent and control dengue fever and hand, foot and mouth disease
- For nearly 3 months, two dangerous infectious diseases, namely dengue fever and hand, foot and mouth disease, have been complicatedly happening in Gia Lai province.
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Dengue fever epidemic in Dak Lak is still complicated
Dengue fever epidemic in Dak Lak is still complicated
From the beginning of the year to July 16, the province recorded 750 cases of dengue fever; including 738 cases of Dengue hemorrhagic fever and Dengue hemorrhagic fever with warning signs, 1 death.
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Quang Nam strengthens prevention and control of mosquito-borne diseases because of El Niño
Quang Nam strengthens prevention and control of mosquito-borne diseases because of El Niño
- The People's Committee of Quang Nam province requested the Department of Health to direct the Provincial Center for Disease Control to strengthen the monitoring, close supervision and thoroughly handle the infectious disease outbreak in the area. Ensure 100% of outbreaks are detected and promptly handled in accordance with the guidance of the Ministry of Health.
Related news 14-07-2023
Increase in children suffering from hand, foot and mouth disease, beware of viruses that cause severe disease
Increase in children suffering from hand, foot and mouth disease, beware of viruses that cause severe disease
According to statistics from the Ministry of Health, in the first half of 2023, our country recorded nearly 15,000 cases of hand, foot and mouth disease, 6 deaths. Worth mentioning, the strain that causes the disease to progress is increasing
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Many children have pneumonia with symptoms that are easily confused with the flu
Many children have pneumonia with symptoms that are easily confused with the flu
The National Children's Hospital receives 30-40 children each day with pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma bacteria, symptoms of cough and fever are easily confused with common cold.
Related news 28-06-2023
The Ministry of Health supervises the prevention of hand, foot and mouth disease in Ho Chi Minh City
The Ministry of Health supervises the prevention of hand, foot and mouth disease in Ho Chi Minh City
- Sharing about the sharp increase in hand, foot and mouth disease in Ho Chi Minh City, Prof. Dr. Phan Trong Lan, Director of the Department of Preventive Medicine, said that the city and the Ministry of Health had scenarios for the current situation.
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Prevent the spread of infectious diseases
Prevent the spread of infectious diseases
Some infectious diseases such as hand, foot and mouth disease, dengue fever are on the rise in some localities throughout the country, especially in Dien Bien province, where more than 10 people have been infected with anthrax.
Related news 19-06-2023
Situation of Covid-19 epidemic, dengue fever in Ho Chi Minh City
Situation of Covid-19 epidemic, dengue fever in Ho Chi Minh City
Dengue fever epidemic in Ho Chi Minh City is in season, many places are at risk of having larvae that can cause epidemics if not handled thoroughly.
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